Course NT-Excel 365 (II) Microsoft Excel 365, part 2 |

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Course NT-Excel 365 (II) Microsoft Excel 365, part 2

Training can be conducted on any version of Microsoft Office, the course program is adapted to the specifics, needs and level of audience
  1. Advanced features when working with Excel formulas and functions
    • Linking sheets and workbooks
    • Create Named Cells and Ranges
    • Working with the Name Manager
    • Using named cells in formulas
    • Audit formulas and functions
  2. Working with large table arrays
    • Finding Duplicate Values
    • Removing duplicates
    • Visualize data with formula-based conditional formatting, manage rules
    • Breaking Data into Columns (Delimited, Fixed Width)
    • Flash Populate Values
    • Data sorting:
      • Sort by one criterion
      • Multilevel sorting
      • Sort by formatting
    • Data filtering:
      • Autofilter
      • Sections
      • Advanced filter
    • Summing up the interim results
    • Comparing Lists of Data Using Sparklines
    • Data Consolidation
    • Copying filtered data
  3. Solution business tasks with various functions
    • Using some mathematical, statistical, date and time functions, logical functions, functions for working with text, for working with lists and databases, functions of reference and autosubstitution in formulas: SUMIFS, COUNTIFS, AVERAGEIFS, VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH, IFS, AND, OR, SUMPRODUCT
    • Formulas that refer to cells in other worksheets and other workbooks
    • Work with connections
    • Using text functions to further break data into columns
    • Nested functions.
    • Copying and moving formulas
    • Eliminate an error in a formula
  4. Analyzing data with PivotTables and PivotCharts
    • Create a pivot table based on sheet data:
      • Recommended pivot tables
      • Creating a PivotTable Report Manually
    • Customizing the Report Layout and PivotTable Style
    • PivotTable Value Field Options:
      • Operations to Roll Up Data
      • Additional calculations for quick analysis, percentages, running totals, parent ratios
    • Analyze, sort, and group PivotTable data
    • Data filtering: filters, slicers, timeline
    • Summing up subtotals and grand totals in a pivot table
    • Adding Calculated Fields to a PivotTable
    • Refreshing PivotTable Data
    • Creating Dynamic PivotCharts using PivotTables
    • Customizing PivotCharts
    • Formatting PivotCharts
    • Update PivotCharts
  5. Protecting information and collaborating on a book
    • Protecting cells, hiding formulas
    • Excel Sheets and Workbooks (Setting Permissions)
    • Validation of user input:
      • Setting Data Entry Restrictions
      • Finding invalid values
      • List maintenance (drop-down list)
    • Record and manage corrections made by colleagues
    • Selecting the fixes you need
  6. Helpful tips
    • Useful hotkeys

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Course Code

NT-Excel 365 (II)

Length, days (hours)

2 (12)

Closest dates

on request

Price, UAH