Course NT-PMO(I) Using Project Online by Project Managers |

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Course NT-PMO(I) Using Project Online by Project Managers

Discusses how project managers use Project Online as a means of collaborative project management across the organization.

After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • confidently use Project Online, a powerful project management tool for your organization

Audience Profile

Project managers and other professionals involved in project work in organizations.

Before attending this course, students must have:

  • mandatory attendance of the course “NT-PM(I). Project management using Microsoft Project” or equivalent knowledge;
  • it is desirable to attend the course “NT-PM101. Project management methodology and business practice specifics” or equivalent knowledge.
  1. Introduction to EPM. Teamwork with projects based on Project online
  2. How a user interacts with Project online
  3. Fundamentals of using Project Online (Project Server) by project managers
  4. Project interface online
  5. User home page
  6. Create projects
    • Creating a project from scratch
    • Using local and corporate templates
  7. Saving, publishing, opening and deleting projects
    • Saving projects and templates on the server and locally
    • Publication of projects
    • Opening projects
    • Deleting projects
    • Checking out and checking in projects
    • Working with offline projects
  8. Concept of global corporate template
  9. Work in the project center. Project details
    • Page structure
    • Customizing the appearance of pages. View selection
    • Changing project properties
    • Force checking in checked out projects to the server
    • Export tabular data to Excel
    • Creating and editing projects in PWA
  10. Working with resources
    • Corporate and local resources
    • Working with the Create Group window
    • Adding resources to the project team. Removing resources from a team
    • Replacement and selection of resources
  11. Working in the resource center
    • Resource Center Page Structure
    • Customizing the appearance of the page. View selection
    • View resource assignments
    • View availability information for a resource
  12. General principles for exchanging assignment data between a resource and a project manager
  13. Work with assigned tasks
    • Task page structure. Customizing her appearance
    • Assignment details page
    • Updates of tasks by a resource: sending notes to tasks; abandoning a task; task update
    • Some nuances of entering actual data on assigned tasks
  14. Working with Issue Updates
    • General provisions
    • Approval page layout. Customizing her appearance
    • Getting detailed information about updating a task
    • Accept and reject updates. Project update
    • Viewing the history of task changes
  15. Working with shared documents
  16. Using the project website
  17. Working with project documents

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Course Code


Length, days (hours)

1 (8)

Closest dates

on request

Price, UAH