Course NT-PMO(II) Customization features of Project Online for business |

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Course NT-PMO(II) Customization features of Project Online for business

The course covers the main features of working and customizing Project Online for business tasks.

After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • perform business configuration of the Project Online application

Audience Profile

Project managers and other professionals involved in project work in organizations.

Before attending this course, students must have:

  • mandatory attendance of the course “NT-PM(I). Project management using Microsoft Project” or equivalent knowledge;
  • it is desirable to attend the course “NT-PM101. Project management methodology and business practice specifics” or equivalent knowledge.
  1. General principles of Project administration online
  2. Creation of projects. Using local and corporate templates
  3. Custom corporate fields.
  4. Lookup tables.
  5. Department fields
  6. The concept of a global corporate template.
  7. Creation of public corporate objects: filters, groups, calendars, views and others
  8. Resource management
    • Creating, editing, activating and deactivating resources
    • Resource Pool Synchronization with Active Directory
    • Formation of the project team
    • Resource Decomposition Structure (RDS)
    • Local Resources
    • Role Resources. Resource skills. Replacing role and local resources with actual ones.
    • Work in the resource center. View Assignments and Availability for a Resource
  9. Server security management
    • SharePoint Permission Mode and Project Permission Mode
    • Users, groups, categories, security templates
    • Synchronizing security groups with Active Directory
    • Project Permissions WebApp, server global permissions
    • Representative Management
    • Project Permissions
  10. Interface management: customization of views, groups, Gantt chart formats, quick launch bars
    • Some additional server options.
    • Options and task display. Closing Tasks for Update
    • Project site management
    • General principles for using project sites
    • Documents, questions, risks
    • Setting up document libraries
    • Project site interface customization
    • Setting permissions
    • Configuring Project Site Creation Options
  11. Force check in of corporate objects
  12. Removing Enterprise Objects
  13. My jobs are in the queue
  14. Backup and restore
  15. Queue basics
  16. Business Intelligence and Reporting
  17. Portfolio Strategy
    • Description of business factors
    • Determining the Priority of Business Factors
    • Determining project dependencies
    • Cost analysis
    • Resource analysis

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Course Code


Length, days (hours)

2 (16)

Closest dates

on request

Price, UAH